Living Paycheck to Paycheck Gets Harder:
The calculus of living paycheck to paycheck in America is getting
harder. What used to last four days might last half that long now.
Pay the gas bill, but skip breakfast. Eat less for lunch so the kids
can have a healthy dinner.
It’s the Oil
By Jim Holt
Iraq is ‘unwinnable’, a ‘quagmire’, a ‘fiasco’: so goes the received
opinion. But there is good reason to think that, from the Bush-Cheney
perspective, it is none of these things. Indeed, the US may be ‘stuck’
precisely where Bush et al want it to be, which is why there is
no ‘exit strategy’. Continue
Housing Flameout: California Falls Into The Sea
By Mike Whitney
Is it really fair to blame one man for destroying the US
economy? Continue
The reality of NSPD-51 is almost as bad as the paranoia.
By Ron Rosenbaum
Call for an emergency joint congressional hearing to end this
farce, give us some transparency about what our government
will do if we suffer another 9/11. Let all branches of government
participate in the attempt to reach some consensus on rational
and effective continuity planning. Something more specific
and sophisticated than the clumsy but dangerously Orwellian
"Continuity Coordination Committee." Continue
How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction
By Robert Higgs
Democratic political forms and rituals, such as elections and
formal administrative proceedings, disguise this class
exploitation and trick the masses into the false belief that
the government's operation yields them net benefits. In
the most extreme form of misapprehension, the people at
large become convinced that, owing to democracy, they
themselves "are the government." Continue
Priests Protesting Torture Jailed
By Bill Quigley
Louis Vitale, 75, a Franciscan priest, and Steve Kelly, 58,
a Jesuit priest, were each sentenced to five months in
federal prison for attempting to deliver a letter opposing
the teaching of torture at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. Both
priests were taken directly into jail from the courtroom
after sentencing. Continue
Onward, Christian Panderers
By Ted Rall
Here's an offer that an erstwhile front-running shoe-in,
now low on cash, ought not to refuse. Senator McCain:
If you can show me where the Constitution makes us
a Christian nation, I'll donate $10,000 to your campaign.
If you can't, please explain why we should trust your
presidential oath to preserve, protect and defend a
document you haven't read. Continue
A Lesson in Humility for the Smug West
By William Dalrymple
The West has a strong militaristic tradition of attacking
and invading the countries of those we think of as savages,
and of wiping out the less-developed peoples of four continents
as part of our civilising mission. The list of western genocides
that preceded and set the scene for the Holocaust is a
terrible one. Continue
Why They're Afraid Of Michael Moore
By John Pilger
In Sicko, Michael Moore's new film, a young Ronald Reagan
is shown appealing to working-class Americans to reject
"socialised medicine" as commie subversion. In the 1940s
and 1950s, Reagan was employed by the American Medical
Association and big business as the amiable mouthpiece of
a neo-fascism bent on persuading ordinary Americans that
their true interests, such as universal health care, were
"anti-American". Continue
Human All Too Human - Jean Paul Sartre
VideoBBC documentary explores the life and work of the
philosophy and author Jean Paul Sartre. Continue
Nobel Hypocrisy
By Stephen Lendman
"Al Gore distills in his single person the disrepair of liberalism
in America today, and almost every unalluring feature of
the Democratic Party" that's mostly indistinguishable from
the other side of the aisle in a city where the criminal class
is bipartisan. Continue
The New York Times: With Democrats Like These ...
Paulson’s $100 billion “Bankers Bankruptcy Fund” and the G-7 Fiasco
By Mike Whitney
Friday’s bloodbath on Wall Street proved that the troubles
in the credit markets have not been relieved by the Fed’s
rate cuts. The Dow Jones slipped 367 points on the 20th
anniversary of Black Monday, the stock market’s biggest
one-day loss in history. Since Friday, Asian markets have
plunged; stocks are down sharply in Japan, Australia, Hong
Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan and South Korea.
Uncommon Grace: Biology and Economic Theory
By Charles Sullivan
We need to develop a holistic world view in place of that
which was born of hubris and economic self interest. That
view will not be born of capitalism, or any repressive
religious theology. It can only come from healthful
interaction with the organic world, in the big outside.
On the Eve of Destruction
By Scott Ritter
God is not on our side, or the side of any single nation or
people. To believe such is the ultimate expression of national
hubris. To invoke such, if one is a true believer, is to
embrace sacrilege and heresy. Continue
Chalmers Johnson: Intellectual Fallacies of the War on Terror
Ecuador Wants Military Base in Miami
By Phil Stewart
Ecuador's leftist President Rafael Correa said Washington must
let him open a military base in Miami if the United States
wants to keep using an air base on Ecuador's Pacific coast.
Time To Choose
By Charley Reese
Most politicians, when they talk about reducing spending,
chatter on about cutting waste and fraud. That's OK, but
it's a mere nick on the federal budget. If you really want
to reduce spending, you must dismantle the overseas
empire. Continue
Self-righteous Warmongers Phony Patriots
By Greg James
You have to wonder if the whole conservative movement
in the U.S. is living in a weird alternate reality in which
the only thing that matters is what you say, and facts,
consistency and honor mean nothing. Continue
UAW Sellout at GM and Chrysler
By Stephen Lendman
The September and October United Auto Workers (UAW) GM
and Chrysler agreements are just the latest examples of
union leadership, surrender and betrayal. Continue
Jim Hightower: The Presidency Is Taking Over the Courts and Congress
Jed Rubenfeld: Lawbreaker in Chief
Late Night Political Jokes - Late Night Jokes Updated Daily
F. Scott Sinclair is the author of the published political thrillers--The Bell Tolls For Thee America (Preview at: tinyurl.com/onze582), Karmic Rendition: A Novel of Pancho Villa Avenged , Political Instincts: A Novel of Amazing Thailand, and Cinderella Liberty: A Novel of America--are prophetic novels, that uncover the seeds of the Orwellian nightmare that currently besieges America. Previews at: http://goo.gl/vEDGj and http://tinyurl.com/brk8dl5 as shown above.