F. Scott Sinclair is the author of the published political thrillers--The Bell Tolls For Thee America (Preview at: tinyurl.com/onze582), Karmic Rendition: A Novel of Pancho Villa Avenged , Political Instincts: A Novel of Amazing Thailand, and Cinderella Liberty: A Novel of America--are prophetic novels, that uncover the seeds of the Orwellian nightmare that currently besieges America. Previews at: http://goo.gl/vEDGj and http://tinyurl.com/brk8dl5 as shown above.
The banks can continue to deceive shareholders and investors just like
before, and anyone who opposes them, like ex-FASB Chairman Robert
Herz, will get the boot. This is a system that no longer has the capacity
for course-correction, which is why another crisis cannot be far off. Continue
By Robert Kuttner Where is the leadership connecting the dots... between the financial
meltdown, the record profits and bonuses on Wall Street, the
continuing collapse of home equity, the joblessness, and the assault
on public services in the name of budgetary prudence? Continue
ew Rule: With the Super Bowl only a week away, Americans must realize what makes NFL football so great: socialism. That's right, for all the F-15 flyovers and flag waving, football is our most successful sport because the NFL takes money from the rich teams and gives it to the poor teams ... just like President Obama wants to do with his secret army of ACORN volunteers. Green Bay, Wisconsin has a population of 100,000. Yet this sleepy little town on the banks of the Fuck-if-I-know River has just as much of a chance of making it to the Super Bowl as the New York Jets....
By Paul Craig Roberts The police have been militarized by the federal government, equipped with military weapons, and trained to view the public as the enemy. Continue
By Mohamed ElBaradei
When Egypt had parliamentary elections only two months ago, they were completely rigged. The party of President Hosni Mubarak left the opposition with only 3 percent of the seats. Imagine that. And the American government said that it was “dismayed.” Continue
By Kristian Smith "The guiding principle (for American government) is that as long as the public is under control, everything is fine," he said. "(The traditional argument is) the powerful should gain ends by any possible means. As long as the public is kept under control, public will doesn't matter." Continue
Tea Partiers, Republicans, and protectors of public morality are right about corruption in government. The only problem is they are looking in the wrong place. Continue
By Kristian Smith "The guiding principle (for American government) is that as long as the public is under control, everything is fine," he said. "(The traditional argument is) the powerful should gain ends by any possible means. As long as the public is kept under control, public will doesn't matter." Continue
"It boggles the mind that $150 billion is vaporized…there haven’t been any arrests, any indictments, nor any convictions at any major bank or at any of the government-owned financial institutions Fannie, Freddie and AIG.” Continue
If you're an IT buff, you'll like this video about how SD cards are manufactured. And it's amazing to realize how difficult it is to produce SD cards, but even so, they're quite inexpensive compared to just a few short years ago, whereupon such SD cards cost an arm and a leg.
Though George has met his maker...or whatever: even God would laugh at his fine creation, Mr. George Carlin. I doubt if there will ever be another just like him. We were lucky to have him in our midst for all these years. Thanks, George, for the good times. I'm sure God is laughing his (or her) ass off at this very moment. The problem is, George, this'll be the longest gig you've ever performed: infinity. Thanks again for the privilege of having lived at the same time you lived and entertained your fellow human beings during your lifetime.
Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq? Continue
This year, 2011, marks the beginning of baby boomers receiving Social Security checks and they should be alerted of past perennial Republican attempts to partially privatize the program. Continue