F. Scott Sinclair is the author of the published political thrillers--The Bell Tolls For Thee America (Preview at: tinyurl.com/onze582), Karmic Rendition: A Novel of Pancho Villa Avenged , Political Instincts: A Novel of Amazing Thailand, and Cinderella Liberty: A Novel of America--are prophetic novels, that uncover the seeds of the Orwellian nightmare that currently besieges America. Previews at: http://goo.gl/vEDGj and http://tinyurl.com/brk8dl5 as shown above.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Gerald Celente - Corbett Report - April 26
John Stossel's Illegal Everything
American Exceptionalism: In Defense of Torture:
CIA Torturer Has No Regrets
Video CBS 60 Minutes
Jose Rodriguez, the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service, defends the "enhanced interrogation techniques" used on high-level al Qaeda detainees and says he has no regrets. Lesley Stahl reports. Continue
So Long, US Dollar
The Media Won't Touch This Story About The End Of The US Dollar
By Marin KatusaThe world doesn't need to revolve around US dollars anymore and the longer the US tries to pretend that the dollar is still and will remain dominant, the more often its international actions will backfire. Continue
EuroSpeak for "Starve the Beast"The Meaning of “Austerity Measures”
By Mike Whitney
Unemployment in Spain is the highest in Europe at 24 percent. (Youth unemployment is over 50 percent) Even so, Spain’s right wing PM Mariano Rajoy is attempting to reach the deficit targets demanded by the troika which will push unemployment higher while further deepening the depression. Continue
Seniors' Social Security Garnished for Student Debts
Friday, 11 May 2012 00:00By Ellen Brown, Truthout | News Analysis****************************************************************Quote:
Does The West Have A Future?
By Paul Craig Roberts
The new tyranny is arising in the West, not in Russia and China. The danger to humanity is in the nuclear button briefcase in the Oval Office and in the brainwashed and militant Amerikan population, the most totally disinformed and ignorant people on earth. Continue
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
An Excerpt From F. Scott Sinclair's Published Novel--Cinderella Liberty: A Novel of America.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS - George Carlin
George Carlin speaking the truth and poking some fun at it. comedy bill hicks totalitarian goverment congress cheney hillary clinton barack obama ...
Cher Lloyd - Want U Back (US Version)
Warning: If you are easily shocked with regard to contrary
points of view, conspiracy theories, offensive language,
political correctness, sex, or anything else that may offend
your sensibilities or lack of open-mindedness, or if you're a
minor (but by no means limited to the aforementioned), please
do not read this novel, short story, fictional blog, or anything
else F. Scott Sinclair writes about. It's not for you...
Note: This is a work of fiction. The events described here
are imaginary: the settings, events and characters are
fictitious, and/or are the product of the author's imagination
or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events
or locales or persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.
points of view, conspiracy theories, offensive language,
political correctness, sex, or anything else that may offend
your sensibilities or lack of open-mindedness, or if you're a
minor (but by no means limited to the aforementioned), please
do not read this novel, short story, fictional blog, or anything
else F. Scott Sinclair writes about. It's not for you...
Note: This is a work of fiction. The events described here
are imaginary: the settings, events and characters are
fictitious, and/or are the product of the author's imagination
or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events
or locales or persons (living or dead) is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2000 by Editions Duang Kamol, Ltd.
Cinderella Liberty : A Novel of America
F. Scott Sinclair
Dedicated to Thomas Jefferson who said: “I
have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal
hostility against every form of tyranny over
the mind of man.”
have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal
hostility against every form of tyranny over
the mind of man.”
Publisher’s Foreword
I have always admired Ms. Sylvia Beach,
the American Publisher inParis during the
1920’s who helped bring into the world
some important works by Ernest Hemingway
the American Publisher in
1920’s who helped bring into the world
some important works by Ernest Hemingway
and James Joyce. This admiration has
moved me to look for possible successors
to these worthy authors inThailand . In
addition, I would like to help Thai writers
to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. I
intend to publish translations of the best
Thai novels as well as original works by
foreign writers.
moved me to look for possible successors
to these worthy authors in
addition, I would like to help Thai writers
to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. I
intend to publish translations of the best
Thai novels as well as original works by
foreign writers.
The novel you are about to read is
another result of my long search. I
hope that many more will follow.
another result of my long search. I
hope that many more will follow.
Suk Soongswang
An Excerpt From “Cinderella Liberty : A Novel of America ”
Interrogation Room One
The Customs officer ordered Rick Olson to spread his
legs and lean forward with his hands against the wall.
Rick overheard two Customs officers discussing the
cover-up, but didn’t hear enough of the conversation
to understand what was being said. One of the Customs
officers became upset with the other officer when he
saw Rick staring at them from behind the open door.
Abruptly, he rushed over and slammed the door in Rick’s
face. Rick was taking his shoes off and emptying his
pockets onto the table, when the force of the banging
door knocked his valuables onto the floor. Dazed, he
thought: Why had they mentioned his name?
legs and lean forward with his hands against the wall.
Rick overheard two Customs officers discussing the
cover-up, but didn’t hear enough of the conversation
to understand what was being said. One of the Customs
officers became upset with the other officer when he
saw Rick staring at them from behind the open door.
Abruptly, he rushed over and slammed the door in Rick’s
face. Rick was taking his shoes off and emptying his
pockets onto the table, when the force of the banging
door knocked his valuables onto the floor. Dazed, he
thought: Why had they mentioned his name?
Suddenly the door opened and Inspector Norris
came in. “Is your name Rick Olson?”
came in. “Is your name Rick Olson?”
“That’s what my passport says,” Rick replied, tired
of being held against his will.
of being held against his will.
“We are in charge here, so just answer my questions
and cut the bullshit,” Norris said, as he massaged his
.38 caliber revolver. “Were any of your relatives on
the plane with you?”
and cut the bullshit,” Norris said, as he massaged his
.38 caliber revolver. “Were any of your relatives on
the plane with you?”
“Just my wife. No blood relatives, if that’s what you mean.”
“That’s exactly what I mean. Continue with the search
and let Al and I know if you find anything,” Norris said,
as he left the room.
and let Al and I know if you find anything,” Norris said,
as he left the room.
Rick could not figure out why his name kept coming
up in conversations, but knowing how U.S. Customs
operates, it couldn’t be a favorable sign. “Now sit over
there in the corner. Put your right leg over your left,”
said the 300 pound white Customs officer. He yanked
Rick’s leg down towards the floor.
up in conversations, but knowing how U.S. Customs
operates, it couldn’t be a favorable sign. “Now sit over
there in the corner. Put your right leg over your left,”
said the 300 pound white Customs officer. He yanked
Rick’s leg down towards the floor.
After thoroughly searching Rick and his clothing,
the black inspector stood by watching Rick being
humiliated by this fat pervert of a Customs officer.
Rick was so outraged by this senseless warrantless
search that he clinched his fist, and said angrily, “I
heard while I was out of the country that there was
a coup against Gorbachev, but what’s your excuse?
Was there a coup inAmerica while I was gone? Has
America become a Communist country? Violating
my fucking Constitutional rights takes the damn cake.
This country will sell its soul down the drain in order
to stop drugs from entering the country. Let’s violate
everybody’s Fourth Amendment rights against
unreasonable search and seizure, just to catch a
couple of smugglers. How many damn people do
you search and catch with drugs on them? Not
many is my guess! How the hell do you Gestapo
bastards sleep at night? Fuck probable cause and
your Gestapo tactics!”
the black inspector stood by watching Rick being
humiliated by this fat pervert of a Customs officer.
Rick was so outraged by this senseless warrantless
search that he clinched his fist, and said angrily, “I
heard while I was out of the country that there was
a coup against Gorbachev, but what’s your excuse?
Was there a coup in
my fucking Constitutional rights takes the damn cake.
This country will sell its soul down the drain in order
to stop drugs from entering the country. Let’s violate
everybody’s Fourth Amendment rights against
unreasonable search and seizure, just to catch a
couple of smugglers. How many damn people do
you search and catch with drugs on them? Not
many is my guess! How the hell do you Gestapo
bastards sleep at night? Fuck probable cause and
your Gestapo tactics!”
“Shut up, white boy,” the black officer said.
“Don’t raise your flaky voice to me, you…,”
Rick tried to say.
Rick tried to say.
“You white mother-fuckers have persecuted
us black folks since this country was born. Now
it’s our turn to kick your white asses around. We
have the laws and the means to enforce them that
Congress, in its infinite wisdom, has chosen to enact.
That means trouble for you, white boy. The Supreme
Court is our hammer. Those fuckers on the Court
have given us their seal of approval, so there isn’t a
mother-fucking thing you can do about it. So get
your white ass out of here,” he said, as he slammed
his notepad down on the desk.
us black folks since this country was born. Now
it’s our turn to kick your white asses around. We
have the laws and the means to enforce them that
Congress, in its infinite wisdom, has chosen to enact.
That means trouble for you, white boy. The Supreme
Court is our hammer. Those fuckers on the Court
have given us their seal of approval, so there isn’t a
mother-fucking thing you can do about it. So get
your white ass out of here,” he said, as he slammed
his notepad down on the desk.
“Your methods would never withstand the scrutiny
of aNuremberg trial!” Rick retorted with disdain at
the arrogant bastard’s remarks.
of a
the arrogant bastard’s remarks.
“We live in America and we make world law.
Our country tells others what to do, and we abide
by world law if it suits our purposes. They don’t
call us the bully of the world for nothing, and don’t
you forget it. You, as anAmerican citizen, have no
more power than foreign countries do in this regard.
The federal government dictates the terms and
conditions of how much freedom you will or will
not have. The Constitution is an out-of-date document
kept around to give you bleeding heart liberals a sense
of freedom. The general public is the servant, not the
other way around. Go ahead, write your Congressman,
but it won’t do you any damn good. Now get the hell
out of here before I arrest you just for the hell of it,”
the black officer said, pushing Rick bodily out the
Our country tells others what to do, and we abide
by world law if it suits our purposes. They don’t
call us the bully of the world for nothing, and don’t
you forget it. You, as an
more power than foreign countries do in this regard.
The federal government dictates the terms and
conditions of how much freedom you will or will
not have. The Constitution is an out-of-date document
kept around to give you bleeding heart liberals a sense
of freedom. The general public is the servant, not the
other way around. Go ahead, write your Congressman,
but it won’t do you any damn good. Now get the hell
out of here before I arrest you just for the hell of it,”
the black officer said, pushing Rick bodily out the
Rick decided not to press his luck any longer.
That inspector looked like he was about to carry out
his implied threat. This guy could plant drugs on him,
or the two of them could conspire together to say
Rick had threatened them.
That inspector looked like he was about to carry out
his implied threat. This guy could plant drugs on him,
or the two of them could conspire together to say
Rick had threatened them.
“Hi, darling,” Rick said in a low voice, being in
a state of physical and mental exhaustion.
a state of physical and mental exhaustion.
“What happened?” Noot asked, as she tried
to console him. She knew that he had been through
the mill.
to console him. She knew that he had been through
the mill.
“Let’s not discuss it now, these guys aren’t in
a friendly mood,” he said, as they departed the
Customs area.
a friendly mood,” he said, as they departed the
Customs area.
If you were moved by the above audio and
the excerpt of my published novel, perhaps
my novel "Cinderella Liberty" might suit your
mood and needs of the moment.
the excerpt of my published novel, perhaps
my novel "Cinderella Liberty" might suit your
mood and needs of the moment.
"Cinderella Liberty: A Novel of America" is
available from DCO Thai at--
available from DCO Thai at--
Late Night Political Jokes - Late Night Jokes Updated Daily
Bill O'Reilly Flips Out.
Bill O'Reilly Flips Out.
Class Warfare Scoreboard : Guess Who's Winning?
By Mike Whitney
the corporate mukky-muks and financial alchemists have figured out how to fatten the bottom line without hiring workers. Great. So, you and I can spend our days watching soaps and panhandling at the freeway on-ramp, while moneybags speculators catch 9-holes at the Club. What a racket.Continue
By Mike Whitney
the corporate mukky-muks and financial alchemists have figured out how to fatten the bottom line without hiring workers. Great. So, you and I can spend our days watching soaps and panhandling at the freeway on-ramp, while moneybags speculators catch 9-holes at the Club. What a racket.Continue
Shakespeare and Verlander
Why are we so good at developing athletes and so lousy at developing writers?
By Bill James**********************************************************
I've Seen Every Woody Allen Movie
Here's what I've learned.
By Juliet Lapidos******************************************************************Quote:
How Liberty Was Lost
By Paul Craig Roberts
A fish rots from the head
Trials Without Crimes Or Evidence
By Paul Craig RobertsThe US government relies on secret evidence in its cases against alleged terrorists, claiming that national security would be threatened if the evidence were revealed. This is abject nonsense. Continue
John Stossel's Illegal Everything
Video**********************************************************Quote:Gerald Celente - Corbett Report - April 26
***********************************************************Quote:Michelle Malkin Calls Out Juan Williams Re: Occupy Movement - Sean Hannity - 5-2-12
Friday, April 06, 2012
Fred On Everything
Fred On the Supreme's (The Supreme Court)
Scurrilous Commentary by Fred Reed
Someone You Love: Coming to a Gulag Near You
By Chris Hedges
The security and surveillance state does not deal in nuance or ambiguity. Its millions of agents, intelligence gatherers, spies, clandestine operatives, analysts and armed paramilitary units live in a binary world of opposites, of good and evil, black and white, opponent and ally. Continue
Lindsay Lohan's Changing Face-- 25 Years in 60 Second Morph: Video
Economic Rape
Destruction of Spain’s Economy Duplicates Greece
By Jeff NielsonThese swindles involved nothing less than the destruction of entire European economies, solely so that the banksters could profit on approximately $100 trillion in bets they had placed on the debts of these economies. Continue
U.S. Filmmaker Repeatedly Detained at Border
Government targets U.S. citizens re-entering their own country
By Glenn Greenwald
With no oversight or legal framework whatsoever, the Department of Homeland Security routinely singles out individuals who are suspected of no crimes, detains them and questions them at the airport, often for hours, when they return to the U.S. after an international trip, and then copies and even seizes their electronic devices. Continue
Fred On the Supreme's (The Supreme Court)
Scurrilous Commentary by Fred Reed
Someone You Love: Coming to a Gulag Near You
By Chris Hedges
The security and surveillance state does not deal in nuance or ambiguity. Its millions of agents, intelligence gatherers, spies, clandestine operatives, analysts and armed paramilitary units live in a binary world of opposites, of good and evil, black and white, opponent and ally. Continue
Lindsay Lohan's Changing Face-- 25 Years in 60 Second Morph: Video
Economic Rape
Destruction of Spain’s Economy Duplicates Greece
By Jeff NielsonThese swindles involved nothing less than the destruction of entire European economies, solely so that the banksters could profit on approximately $100 trillion in bets they had placed on the debts of these economies. Continue
U.S. Filmmaker Repeatedly Detained at Border
Government targets U.S. citizens re-entering their own country
By Glenn Greenwald
With no oversight or legal framework whatsoever, the Department of Homeland Security routinely singles out individuals who are suspected of no crimes, detains them and questions them at the airport, often for hours, when they return to the U.S. after an international trip, and then copies and even seizes their electronic devices. Continue
The Real Health Care Debate
Fools! A Cry of Hope!
Must Read - By Jim Macdonald
What Is ObamaCare?
By Paul Craig RobertsGrowing up in the post-war era (after the Second World War), I never expected to live in the strange Kafkaesque world that exists today. Continue
Know Thy Enemy
By Linh Dinh
This Obama presidency has been a brilliant move by our ruling class, for this black, personable decoy has managed to pacify vast swaths of an otherwise restless constituency, while enraging others for the wrong reason. Continue
Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness
By Paul Craig Roberts
The US government pretends to live under the rule of law, to respect human rights, and to provide freedom and democracy to citizens. Washington’s pretense and the stark reality are diametrically opposed.
Perverts in Power: The Torture-Lovers Who Rule UsBy Chris Floyd
Fools! A Cry of Hope!
Must Read - By Jim Macdonald
What Is ObamaCare?
By Paul Craig RobertsGrowing up in the post-war era (after the Second World War), I never expected to live in the strange Kafkaesque world that exists today. Continue
Know Thy Enemy
By Linh Dinh
This Obama presidency has been a brilliant move by our ruling class, for this black, personable decoy has managed to pacify vast swaths of an otherwise restless constituency, while enraging others for the wrong reason. Continue
Gerald Celente – Stansberry Radio – 04 April 2012
![]() |
http://www.trendsresearch.com/SubscriberArea/gerald-celente-stansberry-radio-04-april-2012 |
Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness
By Paul Craig Roberts
The US government pretends to live under the rule of law, to respect human rights, and to provide freedom and democracy to citizens. Washington’s pretense and the stark reality are diametrically opposed.
Perverts in Power: The Torture-Lovers Who Rule UsBy Chris Floyd
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