Shocking Guantánamo Suicide Letter
Just Declassified and Released by The U.S.
In his letter, Jumah seeks to make his
“voice heard by the world from the depths
of the detention centers” and implores the
“fair people of America to look again at the
situation and try to have a moment of truth…”
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons:
Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods,
Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric
abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that
were committed in Iraq?
The U.S. Gulag Prison System :
The shame of a nation and a crime against humanity
Bob Herbert
Stop Bush's War
Most of the people who thought this war was a good idea
also thought that the best way to fight it was with other
people's children. That in itself is a form of depravity.
Is Another 9/11 in the Works?
By Paul Craig Roberts
If you were President George W. Bush with all available
US troops tied down by the Iraqi resistance, and you
were unable to control Iraq or political developments
in the country, would you also start a war with Iran?
Yes, you would.
William Rivers Pitt Deranged, Disconnected, and Dangerous
The man is deranged, disconnected, and dangerous.
It appears, finally, that a significant portion of the
country now sees this clearly. Only 33% of Americans,
according to the latest Pew poll, approve of Mr. Bush
and the job he is doing. Hey, it only took five years,
writes William Rivers Pitt.
Late Night Political Jokes - Late Night Jokes Updated Daily
F. Scott Sinclair is the author of the published political thrillers--The Bell Tolls For Thee America (Preview at: tinyurl.com/onze582), Karmic Rendition: A Novel of Pancho Villa Avenged , Political Instincts: A Novel of Amazing Thailand, and Cinderella Liberty: A Novel of America--are prophetic novels, that uncover the seeds of the Orwellian nightmare that currently besieges America. Previews at: http://goo.gl/vEDGj and http://tinyurl.com/brk8dl5 as shown above.